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Northampton Saints Foundation to host Mental Health Walk to support young people

Northampton Saints Foundation continues to see greater numbers of young people referred to our programmes who are experiencing mental health difficulties, which is impacting their attendance at school.

This is a growing issue nationally. The Centre for Mental Health recently published a report (‘The Mental Health Barriers To School Attendance’, Bethan Bottomley and Zainab Shafan-Azhar, April 2024) which outlines how growing levels of school absence are being exacerbated by poor mental health among young people, made worse by poverty and long waits for support.

The report’s findings suggest that one in five children now experiences a mental health difficulty, up from one in nine in 2017, and that many wait an unacceptable length of time to receive support, which in turn prevents them from engaging in education. The report indicates that punitive approaches to improving attendance, such as fining parents, won’t work and may even make matters worse – especially for families struggling with poverty and unmet mental health needs. The report expresses that children can best be supported to attend school by increasing the availability of mental health support in both schools and the community.

Due to this increased need, Northampton Saints Foundation has organised a community Mental Health Walk to raise awareness and support for young people across the county and beyond.

Scheduled for Sunday 8 September 2024 at Irchester Country Park, participants will have the option to complete either a 5km or 10km course.

This event aims to bring together individuals, families, and groups in a collective effort to promote mental health and wellbeing.

Inspired by the rich history of Northampton Saints, at the Foundation we use the power of sport and the values of rugby to inspire, support, and educate thousands of people each year.

Our education and social inclusion programmes aim to help the current generation develop new skills, improve mental and physical health, and (where appropriate) return to education, training, or employment.

The Foundation is calling for participants to join the walk and raise funds, which will enable them to continue their vital work with young people – including those like Student ‘A’.

The mother of Student ‘A’ shared the profound impact the Foundation has had on her child's life, stating:

“Thanks to Northampton Saints Foundation, ‘A’ has developed resilience, self-esteem, and confidence. He has stopped telling us he wants to kill himself.”

Mother, Student ‘A’

All funds raised make a difference:

  • £3.50 could pay for a healthy lunch for a student;
  • £7.50 could pay for a sports activity for a student to support their mental and physical health;
  • £25 could pay for workbooks for ten students to track their progress whilst with the Foundation;
  • £60 could pay for an art therapy session for a group of nine students.

Event Details:

  • Date: Sunday 8 September 2024
  • Start: 10.30am
  • Location: Irchester Country park
  • Parking: Available on site at a cost
  • Dogs are welcome
  • Cost to enter: £5 per person or £10 per family (up to 2x adults and 2x children)
  • Fundraising: We ask you raise a minimum of £50 per person or £100 per family in sponsorship

What’s on offer?

  • Run or walk 5km/10km and raise money for Northampton Saints Foundation
  • Foundation bib number
  • Medal on completion
  • Free bottle of water for every entry
  • Meet Bernie the Northampton Saints mascot

How to Enter?

Email [email protected] to register your interest and pay the joining fee.

Set up your fundraising page for our Mental Health Walk through our EVENT PAGE HERE.

Join us in making a difference and supporting the mental health of our community’s young people. We look forward to walking with you!